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Help our vision in seeing every life valued by contributing to our fundraising efforts.

No act of generosity is too small to make a difference and save a life.

Pointillism:  an artist's practice of applying small strokes or dots of color to a surface so that from a distance they blend together to form an image


Although each individual dot of paint by itself seems insignificant - the painting relies on each of those dots in order to blend together to complete the bigger picture.  


We at Life Choices identify with these small strokes of paint. We understand that the bigger picture - the pro-life movement - is happening, and we seem to be but a blip on the radar.  However, we know that if we do our part, along with the dozens, if not hundreds or even thousands of other organizations out there with the same goal in mind - together - we can impact the world in a major way.  Also, it is because of you joining us in this ministry that we are able to operate moment by moment, to provide our services for FREE year in and year out.  We have the ability to come together as small drops of paint and form the image that we want the world to see - that all life is valuable & worth protecting. 

On November 12, 2020 people across 4 different counties all join together in one purpose- to value LIFE.  Join us as we host one banquet at multiple locations through simulcasting, and be a part of the bigger picture of the pro-life movement.  

Frequently Asked Questions For Being A Host Site Leader

What is my purpose of being a host during this event? 

Ministry cannot be done individually.  It requires us as the Church working together to build relationships for the Kingdom, and impact the world.  By being a host, you have the opportunity to build up the ministry of Life Choices and extend our vision of seeing every life valued further than we as staff can.  You have the opportunity to show your friends, family, neighbors, etc what it means to value life from conception until death, and why their life matters also.  Through inviting others to join you at your host site, they will hear about the restoration happening in real peoples' lives, learn more about the life-affirming services that are available in their community, and see what God is doing in the world at large.

I am interested in being a host for the banquet, however, I am not sure where to start.  What will I have to do? 

  1. Choose a host site location for you and others to view the banquet together. (your home, church or business)
  2. Send email, social media, or printed mail invites to people you know who may be interested in financially supporting and/or interested in learning more about the ministry of Life Choices. 
  3. On the night of the event, welcome your guests and enjoy the banquet.  *You may choose to provide some light refreshments or dinner for your guests to enjoy before, during, or after viewing the banquet program.

As a host, will I be able to customize the event at my host site during the night of the banquet?

Yes!  We encourage each host to be creative about how the Banquet night looks at their individual site and do what is best for both you and your guests.  The only thing we ask is that you show the Life Choices Banquet video at 7:00PM that evening.  Otherwise, the length of the event and, any prayer, discussion, or socialization time you permit is your choice. We trust you as a host to lead your group well and invite you to be creative and have fun with this event!  


How can I view the program if there isn't internet at my host site?

We will have a pre-recorded version available for you to view that evening that does not require internet connection.


This is a fundraising banquet so how will that be incorporated into the evening?

As part of the banquet program we will walk you and your guests through how to give through text, online through credit card, or writing a check.  The night of the event, you will pass out the pledge cards we will provide and collect them, along with any checks.  We will schedule a pick up time or location with you prior to the event.    


I have chosen to have a Life Choices representative at my site, what will they do?

He/She will answer any questions that your guests may have regarding the ministry that evening. 


What will the simulcast program be like?

The program will be approximately 45 minutes in length and will include the following:

1. A history of the ministry

2. Updates and client stories regarding the 3 branches of ministry: Medical Clinic, Education & The Inn

3. Our executive director will wrap the evening with a heartfelt call to action that will lead seamlessly into our fundraising ask

Hosted By

Life Choices

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